Home Text and Web Translation Character Set Conversion I18n Source Code Detect 
WebGlobalization® I18n Toolset - I18n Detect

    wchar_t String1_pc[] = L"い";
    wchar_t String2_pc[] = L"イ";
    locale = _create_locale(LC_ALL, "Japanese");
    if ( _wcscoll_l( String1_pc, String2_pc, locale ) <= 0 )
        wprintf(L"Compare Failed.");

    time (&ttime);
    _ltow( ttime, buffer, r );//"Time in seconds since UTC 1/1/70:\t%ld\n"
    _gmtime64_s(&thetime, &ttime);
    // %#x is the long date representation, appropriate to the current locale
    if (!_strftime_l((char *)str, 100, "%#x", (const struct tm *)&thetime, locale))
         printf("_strftime_l failed!\n");
         printf("In Japanese locale, _strftime_l returns '%s'\n", str);